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Hampton County School District - Registration Procedures

All Grade Levels:

Parents / Guardians without internet access can complete the online portion at the district office.


1.       Go to: Registration Gateway

2.       Click Start and create a username and password.

3.       Enter the student(s) information.

4.       Create an appointment for final registration clearance.


Bring the following items to your appointment or UPLOAD clear copies:

___  Birth Certificate  (REQUIRED FOR REGISTRATION)

___  Parent / Guardian Driver’s License or Identification                              (REQUIRED)

___  Guardianship documents if not the parent.

___  Proof of Residency (one of the following IS REQUIRED)

              Utility bill with physical address (electric or water)

              Lease/rental agreement

              Property tax receipt with physical home address

___   Immunization form (DHEC)

___  Social Security Card (preferred not required)

___  School Transcript or Report Card


NOTE: A Registration appointment cannot be held without the birth certificate,  proof of residency, Parent/Guardian identification, and if applicable the guardianship documents.


USERNAME:  ________________________________________


Password:  _______________________

Exception: In the event a student needs to be registered and can be identified by the Foster Care / McKinney-Vento Liaison, the minimum requirements will be waived. Records from the previous school will be requested immediately and registration completed.


New or Returning Student Registration

Click Here to Get Started


School Choice is offered each summer.  Please click on the link below to request a school outside of your attendance zone.  Please note that due to changes in the number of students, we cannot make a final decision until late July.  If you need to know prior to July, then you should elect to stay in your attendance zone school.

HCSD In-District Attendance Zone School Transfer Application
