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JAHA Adult Education

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Welcome to JAHA Adult Education

Your second chance for a first-class education!

Our team of professionals at Jasper-Allendale-Hampton Adult Education, or JAHA, offer learning experiences that prepare you to enter post-secondary training and education as well as direct entry to employment or enlistment into the US Armed Services.

Enrolled learners have the opportunity to earn a High School Diploma or High School Equivalency Diploma (GED). In addition to High School Diploma and GED instruction, we offer basic skills instruction, preparation and testing for the SC Work Ready Credential, Essential Soft Skills Credential, and the Digital Literacy Credential in partnership with WIN cooperation.  

College and Career Navigation Services are provided to all adult learners to assist them with creating goals and preparing for post-secondary education and employment. We also work with core partners to provide access to funding for in-demand occupations throughout the Lowcountry of SC.

Please contact us for your education and training needs. The possibilities are endless!

Distance Learning ESL Classes Are Now Available!

ESL Spanish
ESL Flyer

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Now Offering Evening Classes

Nigh School Flyer